Crazy Newspaper Headlines
Funny and crazy newspaper headlines.Journalists who wrote this articles could consider a new job.

What goes around, comes around!

And you wonder why…

“This is an artist’s conception of the Mount Pleasant High School football field Friday after an electrical transformer blew, knocking out the stadium lights.”

“We had no idea anyone was buried there”

Yeah, don’t you hate those guys at DOE who do the NEPA’s EIS on BNFL’s AMWTP at INEEL after SRA protests?

What are the odds of that?

Must be one of those celebrity-without-makeup pictures…

Here’s the winner of a local dog look-alike contest… He does look exactly like his dog!

Ok, that’s just mean

Please, if you’ve seen this man…

Mistress of the universe… Now that sounds like a lot of work!

Civil War planes? Lemme know how that works out…

“I wouldn’t do it again” says the hero, “she’s been a pain this week”
