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An ice bar is a drinking establishment primarily made of ice. The bars usually contain ice sculptures and other formations and are kept at low temperatures to hinder melting. Mostly a novelty, the ice bar is often considered a tourist destination.
Stockholm, Sweden
First Ice Bar at Sea on the Third Generation of NCL Cruise...
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A Buddhist monk built the Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew temple with more than a million recycled glass bottles. Temple is located in Thailand’s Sisaket province, about 600 km (370 miles) northeast of Bangkok. The Thai Buddhist temple has found an environmentally friendly way to utilize discarded bottles to reach nirvana — using...
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One regular summer day at beach in Korea…
These photos are from Haeundae Beach (South Korea). During the summer time, and especially on weekends, the area becomes a vertiable wall of humanity with more than 100,000 people packed in on a narrow, one mile strip of sand. More on...
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25 Shocking Facts About American High Schools
Parents of teens understand being kept in the dark as their teens begin to strive for more independence from their parents. While this may be a natural part of growing up, it doesn’t mean that parents should be in the dark about their children’s schools. It may surprise you to learn...
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What happened when geeks take sprays and start painting on the walls? This geek...
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Are tall women threat to mans? Some men do not like that their partner is taller, so surely that leads to problems when such a man falling in love with a woman tall like one of these 7.
Yao Defen (China) – 233cm ; 7’9″
Sandy Allen (USA) – 232 cm ; 7′ 1/4″ (she died at...
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Whenever the subject of reforming marijuana laws comes up, someone always brings up the issue of driving while high, which makes sense. It’s an established fact that alcohol increases a drivers accident risk – but does that same risk apply to marijuana? The scientific research out there shows that cannabis...
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Funny pictures from wild Africa
This is the new facility for get online Kenya visa online and arrive and start the trip...
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X-ray device is undoubtedly one of the most useful inventions of humanity. It helps identify the different diseases and saving lives. However this devices often can see all kind of things. Sometimes X-ray is reliable evidence of human stupidity. In this article we bring you 10 most bizarre X-ray images.
10. Unusual...
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You know how some parents are just completely inappropriate with their babies?
If there’s one area where I’d be totally flexible, it’s putting ridiculous T-shirts on my child. Look, they’ll never remember having them on and you’ll be the talk of the town.
I say why the hell not. At least your not...
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Crazy tattoos gallery
Tattoos have been around since almost forever. The word itself is derived from the Tahitian/Samoan word tatau or tatu. The actual process itself was present since ancient tribal cultures such as the Indonesians and Polynesians right through to the Egyptians, English aristocracy and French jailbirds.
OK, now...
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Creative marketing solutions for popular...
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