Girls dream job?

Or not?
Weird and bizarre toilete seats designs. Modern art. Toilet Paper Toilet Booty-Trapped Toilet Branded Toilet Candy-Coated Toilet Toilet Dish Fish Tank Toilet The Guitar Toilet Monster Toilet Toilet Planter Soft Toilet Teethed...
read moreSuper Mario Screenshot Now lets look closer… This is not an edited pic. This is from the actual 8-bit sprate of Super Mario Bros. when you zoom-in. That punk Toad!! He has been flipping us off for almost 25 years! Source:...
read moreFunny pictures from wild Africa 🙂 This is the new facility for get online Kenya visa online and arrive and start the trip...
read moreFUNNY BABY TSHIRTS You know how some parents are just completely inappropriate with their babies? If there’s one area where I’d be totally flexible, it’s putting ridiculous T-shirts on my child. Look, they’ll never remember having them on and you’ll be the talk of the town. I say why the hell not. At least your not...
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