You probably use computers and program on a daily basis, but you might not be aware that the first “pre-computers” didn’t even use electricity or that the first computer programmer was a...
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We go through our lives in a fog, plodding from day to day, never aware of the enormity of our lives. A bite of food here, a bit of sleep there, perhaps a moment or two on the phone. It adds up and when the numbers come together they seem larger than life.
Via: Medical Billing and...
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Since being released in 1977, Star Wars has remained one of the most influential sci-fi films of all time. It has spawned three prequels, two sequels, TV movies, books and countless toys. Despite the vast amount of information available about the famous franchise, there still might be some things about Star Wars that would surprise...
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They have become a filter for out world. Through them we can access information, games, entire virtual worlds. Not the internet, nor our computers, not tablets or laptops – just little programs on our phones. Millions of little programs. What are the real numbers behind these programs, and why are there so many of them?
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The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, will be forever known as one of the greatest musical artists of all time. Jackson sold over 300 million records. Now a little over a year from the date of his death, it is estimated he has already made $1 billion. Check out some other interesting facts about the Moon...
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Chances are good you have a Facebook profile. Chances are even better that, if you do have an account, you check it at least once a day. You might be a professional Farmviller or the President of 100 Facebook groups, but do you really know Facebook and what you’ve gotten yourself into?
Via: Online MBA
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